My Treatment (Finally)

Today has been a funny old day. I’ve only managed to attend one class today because of how under the weather I’ve been feeling lately. So under the weather in fact, that I took my lovely boyfriend’s advice and took myself off to Accident and Medical to get my ear checked out. It had been […]

‘But you don’t LOOK sick . . . . .’

Today, I went to get my 3 monthly blood tests. These are necessary for the monitoring of my health condition haemochromatosis. Haemochromatosis is a blood condition and is otherwise known as Iron Overload, which is pretty self explanatory, as this medical condition is simply to do with there being too much Iron in one’s bloodstream. […]

the AVENGERS!!!! (Iron Man to be more specific)

I am totally excited to go off and see the Avengers movie next week. Some of my favorite movies in recent years have included the members of the Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Nick Fury, etc.) and was very excited to see people dressed up as these characters at last weekend’s Armageddon expo. There are […]

Why should we read more books?

I’ve been a life long lover of the written word. Some of my earliest memories involve my mother reading the classics to me (the Very Hungry Caterpillar, the Little Yellow Digger, the Hairy McLary series, Ka Pai Kiwi, Spot the Dog, etc) before I went to bed every night. These were some of my favourite […]